A brand refreshment for a.Community, fund-raising sur mesure.
Over the past 6 months, after 5 years of existence, Abena Lauber, founder at a.Community took the time for strategic reflection. Due to this professional (and personal) introspection, five strategic decisions were made and implemented:
1) Expanding the pool of expertise;
2) A visual refreshment of the brand and the website;
3) To expand and strengthen the service offer and training workshops (Fundraising Bootcamp 2.0) based on the new internal expertise;
4) To make a blog with content created by a.Community experts and partners; and
5) To promote and value the collective intelligence of a.Community partners and use these synergies for the benefit of our customers.
Building on the achievements and lessons learned, a.Community has placed sustainable funding at the heart of its mission. The funding landscape is constantly changing, and it is difficult to gather all the expertise necessary to diversify funding sources. Furthermore, other funding mechanisms are evolving, and new movements are looking to organise their activities and funding models in a more flexible way. We have identified at least three key areas on which non-profits should focus their attention:
1) Identifying organisational barriers and levers that will help them achieve these goals;
2) Identifying expertise to design and drive fundraising campaigns through multiple (and new) funding channels; and
3) Mobilisation of their networks and partners to build a strong presence to serve their missions and funding goals.
Of course, this can be tricky for some non-profits!
Although we have seen some successful case studies, many organisations lack direction, while others have a pretty good idea of where they want to go, but do not know how to get there. Sometimes great actions are put into place within organisations, but they do not reap the expected fruits due to several factors, such as poor communication, poor processes and tools, or a lack of internal coordination and cooperation over time.
We are also aware that countless organisations simply do not have the resources (time or money) to have a dedicated fundraiser.
For all these reasons and more, Elise, Mathilde, Molly and Sonia have joined Abena to form a creative and innovative team of passionate individuals willing to address all these challenges, designing bespoke services that meet the needs, resources and aspirations of every client.
Visit our new website. You will see our service offer, the new team, as well as our ecosystem.
Let’s stay in touch!
by Abena Lauber
© Copyright: a.Community